Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jolly Phonics

We are off to a great start with Jolly Phonics! We've introduced and learned 8 sounds and are able to write simple cvc words!  The children really enjoy singing the songs, listening to the story, reading words and writing words!  Parents, make sure you are reviewing each sound every evening with your child.  Last week a Jolly Phonics Handbook was in your child's Friday Folder.  Please keep this in a safe place and use it as a reference for yourself when singing the songs and reviewing the sounds.  The extra practice you provide them with at home contributes to your child's success in reading!  THANKS for being involved with your child's education!!  (I am planning on hosting a Literacy Night this fall for parents to come and learn more about Jolly Phonics and about reading with your kindergarten child!)
Writing Words

Writing Words


Jolly Phonics Puppets

Looking for Sounds

Sound Props

Friday, August 24, 2012

Mrs. Billups' Kindergarten Friends!

My Kindergarten Friends!!

THe LOST Has BeeN FouND!!

The children were SOOOO relieved when Mr. Cayton and Mr. Mike came to our room this morning and announced that the Gingerbread Boys had been found!  They also surprised us by bringing two friends with them.....Gingerbread Boy stuffed animals!!  We will take turns caring for the Gingerbread Boys at home!  Please make sure and help your child remember to bring him back the following day!

Our NEW Gingerbread Boy Friends  



Finished Gingerbread Boys



Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gingerbread Boy

We had an exciting week in our Kindergarten room!  Tuesday we read The Gingerbread Boy and then we worked together to make a Gingerbread Boy for snack!  After baking we left our Gingerbread Boys on the table to cool while we went to library.  We returned to find some crumbs, a note and two missing Gingerbread Boys!  We've spent the last few days looking around the building and meeting new people!  Everyone is being very helpful and keeping a watchful eye out for our "snack!"  Mr. Cayton has been extra helpful and has kept us informed of any sightings of our Gingerbread Boys!  We are HOPING that our Gingerbread Boys will be found Friday so we can have them for snack!  (I'm sure your children have told you all about the missing Gingerbread Boys AND how easy it will be to find one of them since he has a "burnt back!!"  They were very sure that the Gingerbread Boy will show up in Ms. Jenna's nurses office so she can take care of him!)
Working Together
Making The Gingerbread Boys

Shaping Our Gingerbread Boy

Team Work!

Smells Good!

The Missing Gingerbread Boys!
(AND crumbs!)

The Note

Our Visit To Mr. Cayton's Office


Some of us HEARD the Gingerbread Boy!!

Putting Up Our LOST Posters

LOST Poster

Mr. Cayton's Office

Visit to Ms. Jenna's (nurse)

Literacy Centers

This week we introduced Literacy Centers!  The first few weeks we will have centers that allow the children time to learn the routine and expectations for our Literacy Centers while also getting to know new friends!  This week we had the house center, blocks, computers, painting, play doh and puzzles.  Once we learn the routine, we will begin centers that are literacy based.  Literacy Centers are often one of the children's favorite activities in Kindergarten.






Building Blocks

Monday, August 20, 2012

Kindergarten Visitation Day!

We had a GREAT time together this morning at Kindergarten visitation!!  We enjoyed playing and making new friends, reading 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on The Bed, recess and Mr. Mike and Mr. Cayton helped us learn the rules about the bathroom and they served us our snack while we practiced our lunch room routine!  We had LOTS of smiles and are eager to return for our first full day of school tomorrow!!

Wish List (Any items donated would be greatly appreciated!)

  • Play Doh
  • Used Dress Up Clothes/Dolls
  • Used Hot Wheel Cars
  • Uses Legos